Environmental Control of Metabolism

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5             6           
        7       8         
   13    14                 


1. Vessel in which microbes are grown under controlled conditions. (9)
2. Liquid or jelly on which microbes are grown (6,6)
4. The time needed for a population of unicellular organisms to double in number. (10,4)
5. The phase of growth where there is no change in the population numbers. (10)
6. The ideal conditions for growth. (7)
8. Type of metabolism occuring during the lag and log phase of growth. (7)
9. Process used by microbes to produce amino acids and nucleotides for new cells. (12)
10. Initial phase of growth where there is little or no increase in cell numbers. (3,5)
11. Prevention of an enzyme from working. (10)
12. Type of medium designed to suit the requirements of a specific microbe. (9)
13. Another name for the exponential growth of cells. (3,6)
15. Technique used to keep everything strelie. (7)


1. Anaerobic respiration. (12)
3. Stage of cell growth when the numbers of cells is decreasing. (5,5)
7. Type of metabolism occuring during the stationary phase of growth. (9)
12. Uncontaminated, clean. (7)
14. Irreversible increase in dry biomass. (6)